Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Motion Module- Day 3

In order for our motion module to work we made many adjustments. We adjusted the dimension of the bridges, the middle circle, and of the circle at the end of the rod that moves vertically and that comes into contact with the middle circle.

The bridges:
The problem with the bridges was that they fell off the circle platform once the rod pushed them up. So we made the bridges longer and wider. We made the bridges longer by .33 inches and wider by .1 inches. This would make the bridges more stable and prevent them from falling off the circle platform. We also made the openings within the bridges smaller by .25 inches so that they would not move too much.

Here is a picture of the new bridge design (bottom) with the old bridge design (top):
And this is a picture of the bridges on the motion module:

The middle cirlce:
The problem with the middle circle was that it did not yield a large enough range of motion. So we made its diameter from 1 inch to 1.5 inch. This was very effective in raising the bridges higher.

The other circle:
The problem with this circle was that it was too small of an area for the middle circle to push off of, making it hard to rotate the rod smoothly. So we replaced this piece with a circle of a new diameter of 1.4 inches instead of 1 inch.

This is a picture of the new circle pieces:After all our adjustments, our motion module worked a lot better. The bridges didn't fall off the platform and they could be raised higher than with the previous design. It was also easier to rotate the rod, making the motion module much more efficient.
Here is a picture of the final product:
This is a video of our motion module:

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