Thursday, March 11, 2010

Walking Robot- Final Stages

After assembling our robot, we hooked it up to a battery pack through a breadboard. This was the first time that we would see our design walk and we were all very excited and the robot did walk! We were glad to see that the motion we came up with our Lego modules worked properly. The only problem was that the legs kept falling off because they were fitted tightly enough on the rods. Even though we re-printed circle pieces with tight holes, the leg aspect of the robot was still fragile and they kept falling off the rods. Therefore, we decided to add tight bushings in between all the pieces to secure them in place. The only problem with that was that if we had bushings on the rods behind the circle pieces, the bushings would hit the bottom piece. So we decided to design a new bottom piece that was skinner and would allow the rotating motion.
Below is a picture of our robot hooked up to a battery pack:
Here is a picture showing our new bottom piece. If you look closely, you can see the two long gaps running along the length of the bottom piece. This gave us more room to work with and allowed us to put as many bushings as we wanted to make the legs more stable.

After finding a solution for the legs, we wanted to sauter the wires on our motor and also sauter a switch so that it would be easier to turn the robot on. We also wouldn't have to carry a breadbox and wouldn't have to worry about the wires falling out of place. The sautering process was very quick and pretty easy and once it was done, we could fit all the wires, the battery pack, and the switch into the robot's body. So once we turned on the switch, the robot was free to roam off on its own.
Here is a picture of the final product:
Here is a picture of the switch:
Here is a video of the robot walking before I added in the switch, so Esther is holding the wires, battery pack and breadboard. It just shows that the motion works and that the legs are stable after all our adjustments.

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